Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I Pledge Allegiance

This time four years ago, I—like many other young people—was excited to participate in the presidential election of a lifetime. Barack Obama was all set to become the first Black President of the United States and I was going to be a part of this turning point in our country’s history. The journalist/news junkie in me was spinning out of control with anticipation to see the possibility become reality.

After he was elected, my excitement quickly shifted to the inauguration. It was imperative that I see this Black man get sworn into office with my own eyes. So I packed up my little car and headed to D.C. Was lucky enough to stay in an author friend’s apartment on Capitol Hill and experience history firsthand.

This year, I’m ashamed to say, I’m not nearly as excited. The Democratic National Convention is happening this week and, unlike last election, I’m surfing the channels to see what else is on. It’s not that the interest isn’t there; I honestly think I’m just hungover from 2008. To make matters worse, the President erased any trace of excitement when he justified his support of gay marriage by lumping it together with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

An excerpt from the President’s interview earlier this year: “when we think about our faith, the thing at root that we think about is, not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf, but it’s also the Golden Rule, you know, treat others the way you would want to be treated.”

When the POTUS chose to express his support under the guise of Jesus Christ teaching us to treat others the right way, this is where he lost me. My issue is not the support of gay marriage, it’s that supporting gay marriage has been positioned in a way that says “because Jesus would want us to.”

As a believer of Jesus Christ, this isn’t something I’m willing to advocate. I’ll continue to support President Obama in spirit, but my allegiance is to the Holy Spirit.


  1. I understand where you are coming from. However, as a Christian, we are not to judge others. I am not saying that I agree with people being homosexuals, but I don't see why they shouldn't have the same opportunities we all have. This includes the right to be married. I have homosexuals in my family, just like everyone else. If you don't believe that then you are in denial. I have also come in contact with some who you would not even know they were if nothing was said. They have good hearts, are professionals, active members of the community and also great parents. Why shouldn't they be able to be joined in marriage and express their love for their partner like us straight people. Im not sayin, im just sayin.

  2. hey velly vel! thanks for your comment. I have a family member who is homosexual as well so im the first to agree not to pass judgment. I would never say who should or shouldnt be denied rights and I dont think I did in the post. my issue is how it was positioned in the excerpt I shared. under the guise of allow it because Jesus would want us to. the latter part is where my issues lies. im just sayin!

    1. Well I agree with Obama. I do not believe homosexuality is a choice. Of course you have your freaks out here, but with all the science courses I have taken I believe people are born that way. Why would God allow this? There must be a reason. I refuse to believe that the God we serve would deny someone into His kingdom simply because of their sexual orientation. Even a serial killer can be forgiven up until his/her last breath. I am not sure that Jesus necessarily would "want us to", as Obama stated, however, I do believe Jesus is smiling at the fact that humans are able to look past race, gender & sexual preference more than ever before. I mean he died for ALL mans sins right? Isn't homosexuality considered a sin? oh aight. lol

  3. God is Creator of ALL....and is ABOUT Creation....He created man and woman to come together and proCREATE. Why do you think MAN and MAN, WOMAN and WOMAN can NOT procreate? 1Cor 6:9 says, "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind..." Effeminate means having feminine qualities untypical of a man. So, for a man to BOLDLY walk around "having feminine qualities" is like slapping that man's CREATOR in the face (of course, this is true for women who act like dudes). In the Bible it also says in Leviticus 18:22, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination"! Concerning Obama, I will say Jesus does not "hate" the person (and wants us to show love to one another), but it's the "sin" that is the problem.
