Monday, March 11, 2013

in the confessional

Well, it's been a while. Eight weeks since my last entry to be exact. Before you judge me for my lack of commitment to my blog, let me give you a real reason to judge.

I messed up.

Over the past few months I've let some things come between my relationship with God. And so I've been quiet. A little known fact about me is I get real quiet when stuff isn't going as it should. Or maybe it's a well known fact; who knows. It's not that I'm hiding per se. I just prefer to keep my struggles to myself.

Of course I'm not going to confess my sins to you all. But I do have a list--albeit, a random list--of things I've learned from all of this. So I thought I'd share.

  1. God doesn't change. You're either going to live for Him or you're not. But His standards will not change
  2. Never look down on others for their shortcomings. You don't know when their shortcoming might become your shortcoming
  3. All play and no church makes for an angry me
  4. As a believer, never be so self-righteous that you won't consider the perspective of a non-believer. I had a self-professed non-believer point out how my anger contradicted my so-called Christianity (this one still stings just thinking about it. ouch!)
  5. The decisions you make will affect others around you
  6. Hebrews 4:12. Read it for yourself when you get a chance. But I'll say this; normally I can't remember scriptures to save my life. My memory is despicable. But as soon as I start getting off the right path, scriptures begin to flood my mind. Call me crazy, but I believe this is God's way of telling me He's not willing to let go of me so easily
  7. Faith and religion aren't just about living holy and going to church. Faith means putting total trust in God. I'll be real, this is a challenge for me
  8. If God has a test of faith for you to pass, you will not get anywhere until the test is done. Period.
  9. When I get frustrated with God for not moving as quickly as I think He should, I now remember all the ways He's blessed me. This promptly turns my wining into thanking
  10. That moment when you realize you love God more than anything and anyone


  1. This is an on-time post. Thank you for sharing and encouraging me through a similar storm.

  2. glad it was encouraging! if you have lessons that you've learned during your storm, please share! I need all the help I can get :)
