Tuesday, October 16, 2012

tuesday's testimony

My friends at church often laugh at me because I’m always a day late and a dollar short when it comes to Gospel music. Let’s just say by the time I get "put on" everyone else has moved on.

With that said, I have a new song that's in heavy rotation in my Gospel playlist: Vashawn Mitchell's My Worship is For Real. As I listened to the song for the first time, the words, "I've been through too much not to worship him," immediately began to resonate deep within me. Although "I've been through too much" sounds like something negative, it was the positive that nearly had me in tears smack in the middle of a work day.

See, since I got saved I've seen the Lord do some amazing things in my life. Here’s one:

Two years ago I left my employer because the environment was unbearably toxic. While I was out of work the Lord proved himself to be a provider by creating means for me to work as a freelance reporter. Not only was I blessed with income but I was blessed with tremendous exposure. My interviewees consisted of an ex NFL player,  Miss New Jersey, the mayor of Oklahoma City, and a real life character from the film the Social Network. The latter interview made it all the way to CNN.com!

As I sought full-time employment, the Lord favored me again. The week I received an offer for full-time work, my part-time employer not only counter offered with a full-time position, but with a much higher pay. I accepted the counter offer; but I should also mention that in that very same week I had to turn down a third position. Oh, and by the end of that same week, the gentleman whom I did freelance reporting for randomly decided to give me a raise! All this, at the height of an economic/employment crisis. If I didn't believe there was a God before then ...

Even this year I found myself in the position of having to turn down two more job opportunities. For one of them, I prayed to the Lord for guidance as to what move to make because there were indeed many pros to consider. If you're someone who doubts the power of prayer, take it from me IT WORKS. As I prayed, I heard the Lord speak to me clear as day and the answer was this: "if you trust me and stay where you are, I promise I will make you flourish."

Within just a few months, the opportunities, projects, and successes that have come my way have been nothing short of amazing. And not without notice -- aside from several thank you notes from the company president for one project, and congratulations from the senior veep for another, my team recently nominated me for the company’s highest award.

I say all of that to say this. First of all, I give all the praises to Jesus for this testimony. I know it’s no one but Him because I am not searching for these opportunities. Instead, they are finding me. Secondly, to sit back and watch the Lord work on my behalf and to create space for me to shine leaves me speechless and overwhelmingly grateful. So my Tuesday Testimony is that I’ve been through too much, I’ve seen too much, I’ve experienced too much NOT to worship the Lord. Truly, my worship is for real.

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