Tuesday, October 30, 2012
asking for help
One of yesterday's articles dealt with a subject I found very relevant to my relationship with God: Asking for help! I'm definitely a student from the school of "create your own opportunities" and "do it yourself if you want it done right." That's why portions of this article rang true to me.
In one excerpt, the writer says, "Whether I’m doing a crossword puzzle or weathering an emotional storm, I’ll handle it on my own, thankyouverymuch." I got a nice little chuckle about this until the writer then pointed out the reasons people choose not to ask for help. One of them being the shame and vulnerability that comes with admitting help is needed. Another being not wanting to appear weak. Suddenly the article wasn't so funny anymore.
As it went on to list 5 reasons it's important to ask for help, I found each one to be directly applicable to seeking God for help.
Personally, there are times when I struggle with the basic, every day living of this life as a Christian. As much as I am spiritual, I am still human and therefore prone to emotions, desires, and feelings that, quite frankly, run counter to having a right relationship with God. It's at these times where I've found myself saying,"Lord, I need help."
When I reached this point for the first time it was both scary and liberating. Scary because of the reason mentioned above. The vulnerability of it all had me on edge and I felt weak needing help for something so basic. But then I felt liberated when the Lord caused me to remember this is what He's there for! He's such a loving and caring God and He wants to help! I then got excited by the fact I could go to the Lord of Lords, the king of kings and simply say, "Help, please."
Below is the list of 5 reasons it's important to ask for help. I found each one to be a healthy reminder of why it's especially important to seek God in times of need.
1. Because it takes a strong person to admit you need help
2. Asking for help strengthens your relationships
3. No one can get through life on their own
4. There might be a simple solution for your complicated problem
5. If we can all be a little more open and honest, the world will be a better place.
Check out the full article here
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
tuesday's testimony
Thursday, October 4, 2012
grace and mercy
Have you ever talked bad about someone behind their back and then felt guilty because they turned around and did something nice for you? I'm sure I'm not the only one. I've had this happen and I must say it sucks. You want to accept the nice thing (and most of the time you do) but you feel like a scumbag because of what you said about the person the day before.
In an earlier blog post I talked about my anger towards God for taking too long to send a particular blessing I've been waiting on. And how does He respond?
Yesterday I found out that after just a year and a half of being at my job, I've been nominated for a major award. This award comes with recognition by the company's senior leaders, admiration from your peers who nominate you...oh, and a pretty piece of paper that says "this is 'how much' we recognize and admire you." Needless to say, I'm honored and excited, but as I said it's hard not to feel like a scumbag.
But God (smh!)--with His endless love--quietly reminded me of something this morning: His grace and mercy will NEVER run out.
There's a song by Lonnie Hunter that I love. In the beginning of the song Lonnie defines grace and mercy as this: grace is when you get more than you deserve, mercy is when you don't get exactly what you do deserve. So in other words, by receiving this nomination the Lord just hit me with a double whammy of grace AND mercy.
I also love the song's chorus which says, "I don't deserve it, so unworthy, but you bless me anyway." I don't know how or why He does it, but I know it's appropriate to say thanks.